There are lots of ways to stay informed about the goings on at South Windsor Public Library.
The Library sends out programming and general information announcements. Patrons can elect to receive regular notices relevant to specific ages groups (i.e. children's only), a single monthly digest email that contains all program and announcements, or both.
SWPL subscribes to Wowbrary, a service that distributes a weekly email newsletter that highlights the Library's latest books, movies, and music. Wowbrary emails usually send out on Saturday mornings and include information about electronic resources as well as physical resources. Users can customize their mailings so they only hear about their favorite genres or formats.
The Friends of the Library mail out a print newsletter most months with Library programs and Friends information. One must be a member of the Friends to receive this newsletter. The mission of the Friends of SWPL is to support library activities, publicize library events and issues, and develops a supportive, informed group of library advocates and users.